As many of you know online school has been challenging, difficult, interesting, created a learning curve and so many more words that can describe this experience. But let me tell you something, as a mom of three kids, fur mom, and a small business owner it has been all of those same words and sometimes more.

Then something cool happened! My middle daughter, Sabina, was studying marketing and small businesses in her grade 5 class and they reached out to me to become the "client." Now, I know as a small business owner and trying to pivot and handle in amount of emails and client demands this was something I was excited about. The class had put together a questionaire in order to gather some information to create their very own logo and slogans for me. LIKE HOW COOL, right!! To be able to connect with not only my daughter but her class and help create this learning experience.
So jump forward by a few weeks and I get a notification in my inbox. It's the Grade 5 Class slideshow presentation. WHAT!!! I snuck away into my room to check out this email. I kid you not, it blew me away. Not only did they have a slide show of concepts and ideas but this bunch of kids had really narrowed down the choices as if they truly were my very own personal marketing team. As a business owner I have found that figuring out what you want and love to represent your business is really difficult. What your brand really says to you and about you.
Sabinas teacher had me examine the slides and select a couple that really spoke to me. Now, being the Mom I am I wanted to pick them all. But as a business owner and wanting to encourage these kids to put their best foot forward, I buckled down and selected four.
Check these out, remember these are created by Grade 5 students, online, and have nothing to go on other then what I have produced on social media and the questionaire.
Let me tell you, this was not an easy task to pick. WOWZAHH! But how neat are these.
The first one (top left) was the slogan that got me. It was so creative and a neat way to use my initials. The second one (top right) is the simplistic and organic vibe I love. Simple and pretty, yes please! The third one (bottom left) nailed the flowers I love and colours. Bold and beautiful. And last but not the least, my fav one, (bottom right). The muted colours and elegance made my heart sing. This student really narrowed down the vibe I strive for.
The students, teacher, and I did an online conference to review and chat about their concepts and where they got the ideas from. I can not remember the last time I was nervous and excited on a call like that in a long time. LOL! I was so nervous talking to grade 5 students but can rock a call with my #jlpstudiocouples, go figure.
Proud mom and business owner for these kiddoes.
Please please do me a favour and don't be afraid to reach out to your childs school or community centre and get involved. It is so rewarding. Not only for the students but for us as well. Grow that community up!!
Which is your favourite image? What do you think about the students creating a logo, slogan for your business?
When times are hard, remember there is always something beautiful to cherish. Be it time with your kids when work is slow or remaking your business plans. Take time to really see what is right infront of us.